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This BIOCHAR Kiln is 304 Stainless Steel. The inside dimensions are 700 deep with a diameter of 235 mm  The Overall height is 1120mm

With an  Outside diameter of 300

Included are a set of handy pot holders, so that you can boil a pot of water or tea while you wait.   It will take up to a 30cm diametre pot. 

It weighs 19 kg and each burn is capable of producing 15 liters of charcoal.

When selecting wood to convert to charcoal make sure the sizes are no larger than 3" diameter (75mm) And no longer than 4" (100 mm) If fuel sizes are too large the fire will take too long to fully spread throughout all of the fuel and you all have unacceptable amounts of loss in the final amount of charcoal being produced, the smaller the fuel chunks the better the results. For maximum efficiency if using larger chunks put them in last (towards the top) leave the smaller chunks down to the bottom, this gives more time for the larger fuel to fully convert to charcoal. A well packed charcoal kiln will take on average between 1 hour and 1:40 minutes depending on the chunk sizes and wood used. Hardwood takes longer; softwood is converted quicker.

Towards the end of the charcoal conversion process you can carefully close the damper in the lead using heat resistant leather gloves or a stick (Anything but your hands) If smoke comes out through the bottom air holes you're not quite done. If a nice clean flame comes out the bottom it's a good sign you're ready. Unless you're using larger chunks then it's best to give it a little bit longer. So to recap close  the damper and check the results being aware that fire may come out through the bottom air holes and try to set your a-hole on fire.

Please use caution. If there was a lot of smoke open the damper up again and the burn will resume once oxygen is introduced back into the system. Let it burn for another 10 minutes and try again. Another caution when opening up the damper after checking there will be a large fireball/flame shoot out the top, best to keep your head clear or if you're wearing a synthetic wig this might not be the best combination. This is probably a good time to mention that if you're using this under a tree that would be a bad idea or near anything loose and or flammable that would also be about idea or near your stockpile of petrol / gasoline, that would also be a very bad idea. There are so many very bad ideas that I would run out of time and could consume a lot of paper in telling you about them.

Please use your brain when setting this up I probably don't need to say but I have to for legal reasons... What a wonderful world we live in..... This device is only suitable to be used outdoors away from buildings. If you are a collector of fine magazines and like to keep them in scrunched up balls in large piles I would not recommend setting this machine up in a close proximity. And though I really don't have to say it I'm afraid I have to the outside of this charcoal kiln gets hot as in third degree burn charcoal grill your hands off hot, so don't try and move it when it's running and don't leave your kids unattended with it. Back to the instructions When your satisfied that the conversion process is finished close the damper and pour some loose dry dirt down the hole to fully seal the hot charcoal from oxygen. You will also need to have enough loose dirt nearby to pile up and seal off the air holes at the bottom of the charcoal kiln. You will know when it is fully sealed as you will no longer see smoke coming out from the air holes or up through the flu pipe in the lid.


A final thought in regards to setting up this biochar kiln. If the area would be unsuitable for an open campfire it is also unsuitable for the biochar kiln and all fire restrictions apply to the operation of this device. This thing sends a breathtaking amount of heat straight up so if you think you can get away with using this under your back porch you're dreaming. Do not use any wood that is suspected of being treated as the smoke and finished charcoal will be poisonous.


Wood needs to be seasoned in other words very very dry for best results.


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